Efficient Breakfast Porridge


  • 55g Rolled Oats
  • 1 Tsp Non Dairy Creamer or Oat Flour
  • 300ml Water
  • One sweetener tablet
  • 20g Dried Berries, Seeds or Nuts
  • (Optional) Fresh Fruit


  1. Mix oats, non dairy creamer, the sweetener tablet and dried fruit (if you are using any).
  2. Add 300ml freshly boiled water.
  3. Microwave at full power. The porridge will tend to rise when the water starts to boil, so use a tall container. Turn it off before it overflows.
  4. Add seeds, nuts and or fresh fruit.


The point of the non dairy creamer is to produce a slightly creamier texture than would otherwise result. Using milk instead of water and creamer also works, but milk can't be boiled quickly in a kettle. Using oat flour instead of creamer produces a slightly different, but also agreeable texture.

The dried berries are added before microwaving to give them time to rehydrate. The nuts, seeds and fresh fruit is only added afterwards. The nuts and seeds are nicer when crunchy and the fresh fruit will become too soft when microwaved. I like a handful of sunflour seeds and a sliced banana. If I want dried berries, I like goji or cranberries, preferably unsweetened.

Turn on the kettle first, then wheigh out the remaining ingredients. While the porridge is in the microwave, tidy away the remaining ingredients. With a bit of practice, the whole process can be done in under 4 minutes.

